This story begins 15 years ago, around 2003. In that period of time, my job was Sales manager for power tools and I was almost every day on field. Then I realize that I can not do this job all my life, on same way. Because, it will came a day when I will be old and some other junger sales managers will be faster and with more energy, than me. From that reason I decide to start to learn and update myself and that process is still active…
My present knowledge about sales and business is related to education, experience and my every day question WHY?
My formal education alow me to create very large picture about sales, market, customers… When I add unformal education, using diferent courses, I filed up empty space in my education and I bring up level of knowledge.
From other side, education don’t have any value if you can not use on market. I realize that on my beginings and try to be present on places where is not my place. In other words I try to steal practical knowledge. But, I was also be active on my regular job and I become one of the best on my market. A lot of sales activities on field, activities about planning, organization and control of sales process, bring to me possibilities to use my knowledge. Also, very important is that I found right way to optimize using company resurses and energy of sales forces.
Combination of education and experience is OK, but not enough for growing. I was always try to find ansvers for WHY. When was my sales result good, I try to find why and copy my activities. And opposite, when I didn’t have a good result on my activities, I try to find why, in order to avoid next time failure.
All of this activities bring me in position that I can transfer my knowledge about sales and business.
And I decite to start with my blog, with hope that I will be useful or interesting to some people all around world.
My blog is about sales and business. I will try to create clear picture about essence of this topics. At present time a lot of thinks is create like some kind of shortcuts and we use, every day, some applications which help us with automatisation. They, also, save our time and they are very usuful. In business world is the same. With modern IT sales tools your offer can reach in one second to the million of potentional customers. But, what you will offering to them? And how? What is important for them? What if just 1% of potentional customers replay on your offer with additional request? Or is much better that your offer reach to 10.000 potentional customers and 50% of them order your product? If you agree with me that is much better second choice, then you are on blog which is made for you.
At this moment, it is very important to say I hope that my blog will be usuful to people who want to create their own start up company or they just started their company. Ofcourse, this blog is not just for them. It will be usuful for all people in sales business who want to up date their knowledge and became more successful.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not the best sales man on Earth and I don’t know everething. Selling is natural process and all of us have possibilities to sell. Also, all of us have possibilities to run, which is natural. If we compare two natural process, salling and running, I can say for me that I learned to run very fast and on long distance. And I am willin to share my knowledge with you.
In order to simplify, I split complex topic of sales and business on three main part:
– Company system setup
– Market in your hand
– Premium sales behavior