My name is Igor Krstic. I live with my family in Belgrade, Serbia, Europe and I am 44 years old.
At this moment, I have 17 years working experience in sales and managing bussines process, in international companies and personal bussines activities, formed from different market fields, devised in all phases of sales. Many times I pass over planning, organization, implementation and control of sales process.
I finished the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Becouse I had needs to better understand business processes, I completed Master studies on Faculty of organizational sciences, the direction of Management of small and medium enterprise. My further education through a course for leading auditors ISO 9001, allowed me to standardize my work in bussines processes. I was update my organisational knowledge with Agility management and Scrum framework (IT development bussines).
Since 2000., using combination of university education and practical work, I formed bussines approach that is based on the knowledge and understanding of market processes occurring on the market and within companies. The success of the business processes have tied to the interests of all business groups. Combining experience and understanding of business processes and personal creativity, I create several innovations in the process of sales managament.
My personal goal is to share my knowledge and to teach other people about sales and bussines.
In order to feel up my goal, I will create three busines blogs and courses about bussines model, sales process and market approach. This courses will be build on universal bussines model, natural approach of sales proces. This courses will be usuful for all bussines activities, to people who need basic understanding of bussines relations and process, specialy in sales. Also, my courses will be interesting for people who want to develop middle and expert level of sales.